R E S E A R C H    P R O J E C T

The Impact of Government Policies on Korea's Total Fertility Rate: A Modeling Approach

• Research regarding the impact of governmental policies on South Korea’s fertility rate.
• Conducted data cleaning, analysis and interpretation.
• Suggested the need of qualitative approach on the current issue and stated the need of further research using behavioral economics concepts. 

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Quarterly Value-Added Productivity Model by Industry in Korea - Labor Part

• Conduct research on productivity model by industry in Korea, affiliated with Korea Development Bank.
• Organize and analyze the data collected from the KIP database and the Bank of Korea.
• Produce an analysis of Korean economic productivity based on the research method suggested by Dr. Hak Kil Pyo's previous research.

[ Ongoing Study ]


Social Media:
The Cause and Solution of Low Fertility Rate in Korea

• Research regarding the relationship between the use of social media and South Korea's low total fertility rate.
• Conducted data analysis and case studies.
• Suggested both business and policy application based on the behavioral economics theories.

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How Commodification of Art and Platformization of the Industry Affecting the Webtoon Industry in Korea

• Researched webtoon creators’ overwork problem and over commodification of the webtoon due to the platformization of the industry.
• Analyzed primary source documents via scholarly peer revied article, news article, webtoon creator interview video, etc.
• Provided solutions within individual, company, and government level.

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